Inginer Chimist

Inginer Chimist

Crestem echipa!

Dimas Gold este o companie specializata in PRODUCTIE, IMPORT, DISTRIBUTIE bijuterii. Suntem prezenti pe piata din Romania din 2004 si conform rezultatelor oficiale ocupam locul  primul loc in tara in ceea ce priveste distributia de bijuterii din argint.

Oferim spre ocupare un post pentru functia de inginer chimist.

Cerintele candidatului:

  1. Studii superioare
  2. Experienta pe o pozitie similara constituie un avantaj
  3. Capacitate de organizare si planificare a activitatilor curente
  4. Loialitate si confidentialitate
  5. Cunostinte de operare PC si limba engleza

Fisa postului:

  1. Analizeaza compozitia mostrelor de metale pretioase trimise spre rafinare cu ajutorul spectrometrului
  2. Interpreteaza rezultatele analizei efectuate
  3. Operarea utilajului de rafinare pentru aur si argint
  4. Redacteaza rapoarte tehnice privind concluziile analizelor efectuate
  5. Conduce, coordoneaza si ofera asistenta personalului angajat in proceduri de analiza a componentelor si proprietatilor fizice ale metalelor

În calitate de nou angajat veți beneficia de suport printr-un program de integrare profesională care va urmari, printre altele, facilitarea procesului de adaptare, instruirea și coordonarea inițială la locul de muncă.

Candidatii interesati pot trimite CV cu fotografie pe adresa Toate aplicatiile vor fi analizate in deplina confidentialitate si obiectivitate. Doar candidatii selectati vor fi contactati si se va stabili o data de interviu de comun acord. Compania isi rezerva dreptul de a testa competentele candidatilor.


Inginer Chimist

We grow the team!

Dimas Gold is a company specialized in PRODUCTION, IMPORT, DISTRIBUTION jewelry. We are present on the Romanian market since 2004 and according to the official results we occupy the first place in the country regarding the distribution of silver jewelry.

We offer for employment a position for the position of chemical engineer.

Requirements of the candidate:

Higher education
Experience in a similar position is an advantage
Ability to organize and plan current activities
Loyalty and confidentiality
PC operating knowledge and English

Job description:

Analyzes the composition of precious metal samples sent for refining using the spectrometer
Interpret the results of the analysis performed
Operation of the refining machine for gold and silver
Draws up technical reports on the conclusions of the analyzes carried out
Leads, coordinates and provides assistance to personnel employed in procedures for analyzing the physical components and properties of metals

As a new employee you will receive support through a professional integration program that will, among others, facilitate the adaptation process, training and initial coordination at the workplace.

Interested candidates can send CV with photo to All applications will be analyzed in full confidentiality and objectivity. Only the selected candidates will be contacted and an interview date will be agreed. The company reserves the right to test the competencies of the candidates.

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