Operator si reglator CNC

Operator si reglator CNC

Crestem echipa!

Dimas Gold este o companie specializata in PRODUCTIE, IMPORT, DISTRIBUTIE bijuterii. Suntem prezenti pe piata din Romania din 2004 si conform rezultatelor oficiale ocupam locul  primul loc in tara in ceea ce priveste distributia de bijuterii din argint.

Oferim spre ocupare un post pentru functia de reglator si operator CNC.

Cerintele candidatului:

  1. Studii medii/superioare
  2. Experienta pe o pozitie similara constituie un avantaj
  3. Capacitate de organizare si planificare a activitatilor curente
  4. Loialitate si confidentialitate
  5. Cunostinte de operare PC si limba engleza
  6. Dexteritate manuala si dexteritate a degetelor

Fisa postului:

  1. Opereaza CNC pentru executarea modelelor primite de la departamentul proiectare
  2. Regleaza si ajusteaza CNC pentru a indeplini parametrii necesari executarii obiectului proiectat
  3. Incarca, modifica si proiecteaza modele pentru CNC pe un soft specializat
  4. Efectueaza reglarea statica si monteaza dispozitivele de fixare
  5. Masoara piesele in vederea determinarii acuratetii operatiilor efectuate de echipament
  6. Inlocuieste accesoriile echipamentului conform specificatiilor de productie
  7. Asigura functionarea optima a mecanismelor de alimentare cu materie prima, racire si lubricare
  8. Intocmeste documentele de evidenta si de raportare a activitatii
  9. Aprovizioneaza locul de munca cu materiale si semifabricate
  10. Depoziteaza si expediaza piesele prelucrate

În calitate de nou angajat veți beneficia de suport printr-un program de integrare profesională care va urmari, printre altele, facilitarea procesului de adaptare, instruirea și coordonarea inițială la locul de muncă.

Candidatii interesati pot trimite CV cu fotografie pe adresa dimasgold@yahoo.com. Toate aplicatiile vor fi analizate in deplina confidentialitate si obiectivitate. Doar candidatii selectati vor fi contactati si se va stabili o data de interviu de comun acord. Compania isi rezerva dreptul de a testa competentele candidatilor.


CNC operator and controller

We grow the team!

Dimas Gold is a company specialized in PRODUCTION, IMPORT, DISTRIBUTION jewelry. We are present on the Romanian market since 2004 and according to the official results we occupy the first place in the country regarding the distribution of silver jewelry.

We offer for employment a position for the position of controller and CNC operator.

Requirements of the candidate:

Higher / higher education
Experience in a similar position is an advantage
Ability to organize and plan current activities
Loyalty and confidentiality
PC operating knowledge and English
Manual dexterity and finger dexterity

Job description:

CNC operates for the execution of the models received from the design department
Adjusts and adjusts the CNC to meet the parameters required to execute the projected object
Upload, modify and design CNC models on specialized software
Performs static adjustment and mounts fastening devices
It measures the parts in order to determine the accuracy of the operations performed by the equipment
Replaces equipment accessories according to production specifications
It ensures the optimum functioning of the feed mechanisms with raw material, cooling and lubrication
Draws up records of activity and activity reports
Provides the workplace with materials and semi-finished products
Store and ship processed parts

As a new employee you will receive support through a professional integration program that will, among others, facilitate the adaptation process, training and initial coordination at the workplace.

Interested candidates can send CV with photo to dimasgold@yahoo.com. All applications will be analyzed in full confidentiality and objectivity. Only the selected candidates will be contacted and an interview date will be agreed. The company reserves the right to test the competencies of the candidates.

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